Ace of Wands

The wands are an adventurous, outgoing, hard working physical suite.  Like all aces, the Ace of Wands beckons a new beginning or opportunity.  The card is filled with elemental energy and literally bursts forth, as small leaves fly off in all directions from its intensity.  The Ace of Wands is an inspirational card, reflective of its dynamic energy, signifying eagerness, strength, vitality and optimism.  The card sparks fiery creation, initiative, sexual energy and a passion for life.  In a reading, the card most often reflects the initiation of a new job or creative opportunity.

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Ace of Cups

All ace cards gift us with new beginning, an opportunity to start afresh in order to explore each suites fullest potential, so in this respect they are quite auspicious cards.  The Ace of Cups is a card of receptivity and signifies a creative new beginning filled with love, joy, peace and happiness.  


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