Tarot Cards of Money, Finance & Prosperity

Ace of Pentacles


Bearing in mind the  pentacle symbolises a talisman or magical object, the Ace of Pentacles is a highly auspicious card signifying a potent new financial beginning or opportunity.  This could be a lump sum of money such as an inheritance or a financial deposit for a new home.  The material nature of the Ace of Pentacles, combined with its magical quality, offers a new opportunity that will enrich our lives deeply over a long period of time.  Such opportunities don’t happen often but when they do happen they offer fruitful potential.

2 of Pentacles


The 2 of Pentacles forms the infinity sign of a number 8 around the two pentacles, symbolising great financial potential.  The card can represent maximised potential through the diversification of financial interests.  Often it indicates more than one financial opportunity which will provide a beneficial return, so we need to look at each carefully and diversifying our interests.  It can also represent the need to balance finances, like when we are caught in a cycle of using one amount to pay off another, such as a credit card.  When the card comes up in a reading it should be noted because there is usually financial potential.  

4 of Pentacles


The 4 of Pentacles represents financial consolidation.  The card can call for us to analyse our finances and establish a more secure position in order to minimise risk.  For example consolidating finances into assets that carry lower risk, often bricks and mortar.  There is a strong focus on financial protection and care of material and financial assets in the card, you can see this in the way the man in the card is drawing the Pentacles close to him.  Depending on the context of the reading, the card can also represent material or financial selfishness, where we need to let go of money or to share wealth. 

7 of Pentacles 


The 7 of Pentacles indicates an accumulation of savings or assets, it could also represent a financial portfolio.  The man in the card looks back at what he has worked hard to achieve and gives this careful consideration.  After healthy accumulated growth in a single area, it's now time to take out a sensible portion out and reinvest this into a new venture, symbolised by the single pentacle to the right.  In other words, don't keep all your eggs in one basket.  The card can also signify an opportunity to release capital or equity from a an asset or investment, providing a financial boost to expand business or other financial interests, or to help us to get ahead at a time when we need it.

10 of Pentacles


The 10 of Pentacles reflects institutionalised success in family and society.  This can be seen where families have accumulated wealth and handed it down over generations.  This type of success often comes at a price because in order to inherit, you must play by a certain set of rules. Those who control the money have power and influence, forcing those who stand to inherit to fulfil certain expectations. If you are prepared to pay the price of being restricted by others, the benefits can be fruitful.  The 10 of Pentacles often represents secure and reliable financial institutions such as banks, but it can also allude to investments such as stocks and shares. 

Page of Pentacles


The Page of Pentacles represents a new financial opportunity with a small sum of money.  The Pages are youthful and somewhat unreliable in character, therefore the financial potential they represent carries a much higher degree of risk.  If the Page of Pentacles lies in the outcome of a reading, it will signify a small financial success, perhaps requiring us to reinvest the capital back into our investment in order to promote it further.  The Page of Pentacles also represents learning through facts and figures, symbolising  financial planning and contracts. 

Knight of Pentacles


The Knight of Pentacles symbolises predictability and slow financial gain that will build over a long period of time.  This isn't a quick financial return, it is moderate, long term and very secure.  The Knight is looking out and beyond the single Pentacle in front of him, his horse stands solidly on all fours, reflecting an opportunity with solid performance based on a dependable long term financial forecast.  The rewards of this card may be more moderate however they minimise risk and produce a reliable long term investment return.  

Queen of Pentacles


The Queen of Pentacles has achieved a high level of financial security to support an life of abundance for herself and all who stand to  benefit.   Finances are intelligently planned and nurtured, based on wise investment knowledge, which produces a healthy return for the long term.  The Queen of Pentacles has a astute and often professional understanding of finance and investment.  The card is always focussed on the needs of the family and represents a person wishing to achieve a prosperous financial position in order to nurture those that they care for as well as to enjoy the luxury in life.  

 King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is the pinnacle of wealth and prosperity, he signifies success in every financial sense.  He sits comfortably on his thrown and is lavished with symbolism reflecting financial abundance and generosity.  But this success comes at a price, it is difficult to get close tot he King because of the wealth surrounding him, and his degree of success comes with the responsibility of power.  In this context the King's wealth has become a burden that weighs him down.  The King of Pentacles is a showy character, he's a little over the top and can reflect someone who has become distracted by success. When the King is seen in outcome of any reading to do with finances, it indicates financial success in abundance.   





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